京都大学 齋藤研究室
Kaori Mutsuda Zapater

Kaori Mutsuda Zapater

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総合生存学館 2年生

Kaori Mutsuda Zapater



「Organ-on-chips for drug development 」
My current research aims to recapitulate human implantation (crucial step of pregnancy) using human pluripotent stem cells and microfluidic technologies. Pregnancy has a low success rate and complications can lead to serious health risks. Despite the enormous investment in assisted reproduction technologies, there have not been major advancements in the last decades. Our goal is to develop and utilize precise and ethical “in vitro implantation models” to elucidate the unknowns of human early development and to develop new drugs.



I was intrigued by the multidisciplinarity of the curriculum, the teachers and the students. As you get older, it gets challenging to find people from completely different fields, different views and opinions. I found that Shishukan could be a safe space for debate and intellectual exchanges.



My goal is simple: to end animal testing. I often hear skeptical opinions but I think we need to aim high, and it might actually not be as surreal as it sounds. The validity of animal models have been questioned for a while now, and in 2022, a new U.S. law has eliminated the requirement that drugs in development must undergo testing in animals before being given to participants in human trials. This would translate into safe, more efficient, ethical and affordable healthcare.


Looking for investors | 投資家募集中 #agritech


I love keeping myself busy by trying out random things all the time. One of my ongoing hobbies is to create video content for my youtube channel and to review biotech startups. Please contact me if you’d be interested in knowing more about the next agri-tech revolution and “precision fermentation dairy” 🐮🥛🧀!


BSc Molecular Biotechnology
MBA in Pharma & Biotech

